Category: Telecommunications

A Leading Multinational Telecommunications Company Improved Business Operations With Real-Time Network Monitoring
A Leading Multinational Telecommunications Company Improved Business Operations With Real-Time Network Monitoring

A Leading Multinational Telecommunications Company Improved Business Operations With Real-Time Network Monitoring from Telecommunications...Read more

A Recruitment Services Giant Resolved Hiring Challenges Around Time and Effort; Saved Cost By 20%
A Recruitment Services Giant Resolved Hiring Challenges Around Time and Effort; Saved Cost By 20%

Our client is a global, end-to-end human capital solutions company providing labor market intelligence, talent management software, and other recruitment solutions, including online career search services in more than 60 markets. The client was facing trouble filling their open positions with suitable candidate matching their requirements accuratel...Read more

Development of Automated Provisioning System
Development of Automated Provisioning System

The Customer is a reputable provider of integrated communications services in Northern California, providing digital cable TV, fiber optics, PCS wireless, DSL, high-speed Internet access, data transport, and local and long distance telephone service. The Customer engaged AgreeYa to architect, design, and develop a new, unified provisioning system t...Read more


Empowering Telecom Industry to Reimagine Operations for Growth The telecommunications industry is revolutionizing disruptively. Organizations are transforming their existing business models and processes to suffice ever-increasing customer needs, demand for better services, personalization, and immediacy, and address changing market conditions.Agre...Read more