State of Texas: Department of Information Resources Contract DIR-CPO-5215 Comprehensive Web Development and Managed Services Contract

a logo for Texas department of Information Resources

AgreeYa specializes in working with the state and local government organizations. For 25 years, AgreeYa is enabling digital transformation across state and local government. We’re innovating around Digital Transformation and the productivity. This innovation, supported by a vast talent pool, enables governments to do more and achieve more for the citizens they serve. We understand that more and more state and local governments are rethinking the use of technology in an effort to streamline services, improve access to public information, provide government transparency, reduce lengthy application development processes, and promote inter-agency data integration.

With our innovative software, solutions and staffing services, we will enable the DIR to transform its operations and infrastructures; engage citizens and businesses; and accelerate their economic development and environmental sustainability.

Contract Information

Contractor: AgreeYa Solutions, Inc.
Contract Number: DIR-CPO-5215
Vendor ID: 1202965578900

Service Offerings

Below is a list with descriptions and examples of all eight functional categories available under AgreeYa’s DIR CPO contract.

  • Website Design and Development
  • Business Analysis Services
  • Accessibility Services
  • Web Content Management (WCM)
  • Web Training, Maintenance, and Support
  • Turn Key Solution

Website Design: The creation and arrangement of web pages that in turn make up a website. For typical websites, the basic aspects of design are:

  • Content: The information on the site that is easy to use, understandable, relevant to the customer, and targets the customer’s audience with appropriate information.
  • Usability: Ease of use regarding interface and navigation. Ability to anticipate, but not limited to, desktop, laptop, tablet, and mobile usage.
  • Appearance: Content with graphics and text that is consistent, professional, appealing, accessible, and relevant.
  • Visibility: A site that is easy to find via most major search engines.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) website design: capable and not limited to desktop, laptop, tablet and Mobile-friendly SEO.

Website Development: The non-design aspects of building websites (e.g., writing markup and coding). Web development can range from developing the simplest static single page of plain text to the most complex web-based Internet applications or electronics businesses, Realtime notification, Live Support, Mobile-friendly and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) friendly website.

Business Analysis Services: These services include, but are not limited to website traffic analysis, integration of Interactive maps, Real-time Information, Integration Analytics tool to collect Customer Experience and Personalization Engine, track user behaviors, analyzes information Capabilities, website marketing tool, etc.

Accessibility Services: Services that assist DIR and its customers in complying with State of Texas Accessibility requirements (based on the federal standards established under Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, under Texas Government Code, Chapter 2054, Subchapter M, Texas Administrative Codes 1 TAC 206, 1 TAC 213, and in the Worldwide Web Consortium WCAG 2.0 AA technical standard as applicable). Vendor may include software products that are part of an overall web development solution and may not be sold as a stand-alone product. Independent third-party testing should be done prior to implementation which includes manual and assistive technology testing. Note: Vendor that designs and develops website must remediate broken code at no additional charge as determined through the third-party testing.

Web Content Management (WCM): Allows customers to create, manage, store, and deploy the content of web pages using specific tools. WCM offers core functions beyond using HTML to create Web pages; users can also catalog or index content, select or assemble content at runtime, and deliver content to specific visitors in a personalized way or in different languages.

Web Training, Maintenance, and Support: Training may be on-site or web based and include instructional material applicable to the scope of work. Maintenance and Support includes troubleshooting, modifying, maintaining, improving security, and enhancing legacy systems and applications which may be running in a production environment.

Turnkey Solutions: Turnkey solutions for Comprehensive Web Development and Managed Services that may include Tools that can be utilized via website, project scoping, software selection, installation, integration, construction, and on-going support that would help in expediting the overall development process and automate part of the business workflows and even in developing the web-based solutions.

For a full list of DIR CPO services, see DIR CPO Services

Statement of Work (SOW) / Purchase Order Issuance

AgreeYa welcomes the opportunity to do business with the State of Texas and other eligible customers through the Cooperative Contacts Program.

Government customers must issue a SOW consistent with the terms and conditions of the DIR Comprehensive Web Development and Managed Services contract. Vendors must respond to the issued SOW to be awarded a purchase order. Vendors can only respond to a SOW that they have been awarded under the DIR Comprehensive Web Development and Managed Services contract. The following process outlines the step-by-step process for issuing a purchase order from the DIR Comprehensive Web Development and Managed Services contract:

  • In order to be awarded a Purchase Order hereunder, AgreeYa (Vendor) will respond, in writing, to a Statement of Work (SOW) for services as issued by Customers (State Agencies, Government Entity) consistent with the Terms and Conditions of this Contract.
  • Vendor shall only respond to SOWs for Technology Categories which Vendor has been awarded in this Contract.
  • Customer SOWs must be complete, signed by an authorized representative of Customer and must be in the form approved by the State.
  • Vendor understands that no work under any SOW issued by Customer shall commence until receipt of Purchase Order.
  • Customers purchasing services under the DIR Comprehensive Web Development and Managed Services Contract shall negotiate pricing directly with the Vendor in accordance with the Customer’s Statement of Work.
  • Customers may negotiate the terms and conditions of a SOW to suit their business needs, so long as the SOW terms and conditions do not conflict with or weaken the terms of the DIR Comprehensive Web Development and Managed Services Contract. Vendor shall perform its work in compliance with the DIR Comprehensive Web Development and Managed Services Contract and the agreed upon Statement of Work with Customer.

Product Warranty and Return Policies Order Fulfiller will adhere to the Vendor’s then-currently published policies concerning product warranties and returns. Product warranty and return policies for Customers will not be more restrictive or more costly than warranty and return policies for other similarly situated Customers for like products. For quotes, purchase orders or warranty information, please contact Ajay Kaul, AgreeYa Solutions, at  916.813.6300 or email at to find out more and discuss your specific requirements. The PO must contain the contract number DIR-CPO-5215

For more information on the DIR program, please visit the DIR Cooperative Contracts program website.

For detailed Instructions, see SOW Instructions.

(Resulting Purchase Order must reference DIR contract number)

For details about Contract and Pricing Information, see Pricing Index.

For details about DIR actual pricing information, see DIR Actual Pricing

For details about Hub subcontracting plan, see Hub subcontracting plan

For Standard Terms & Conditions, see Terms & Conditions

Contact Information

AgreeYa Contract Number: DIR-CPO-5215
For quotes, purchase orders, and warranty information please contact AgreeYa at:

Ajay Kaul, Managing Partner
AgreeYa Solutions, Inc.
Phone: +1 (916) 294-9900