Ensuring Success with Enterprise Data Warehouse Initiative by Performing Rigorous ETL Testing
Image shows two professionals collaborating on data

As a leading multinational bank with branches scattered throughout the nation, our customer leveraged a suite of applications to conduct several operations in multiple departments. However, the segregated data posed a challenge for the banking organization as they could not utilize the information readily. Stakeholders identified the risks posed by data residing in desperate applications and wanted to bring it together under a single Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW).

AgreeYa’s team of experts recommended utilizing Azure Data Factory (ADF) to automate the data integration and transformation process. Additionally, Source-To-Target-Mapping (STTM) was suggested to improvise the structure of the displaced data and make it compatible with the new location. Our team of experts performed rigorous ETL testing. Our team’s approach involved – comprehending the test scenario, structuring plans based on the inputs, designing test cases, performing pre-execution checks and test data preparation, executing the test until exit criteria were recognized, and developing custom reports to highlight the successful completion of the project within aggressive deadlines. Download the Case Study to learn more.

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