Enabling Transparent Rewarding Process with AgreeYa’s Reward and Recognition Application
Image shows human-like figure climbing a line graph toward a star

Due to the pandemic, the physical collaboration of team members was not possible. Thus, the customer wanted an electronic platform to manage their rewards and recognition program. Keeping an active reward and recognition program (R&R program) is very important to keep the team motivated, especially when working remotely.
The customer was looking for an automated and effective solution to smoothly execute the R&R program to recognize the excellent contributors in accomplishing their defined goals. Their requirement was to have a single platform that not only the organizing committee and decision-makers can use but various users across the organization can use, and participate & contribute to the reward and recognition program.

The application will capture the input from its users to maintain the various stages of the rewarding program. With this, application the transparency was improved in the overall process. The application was delivered in a short span, thus reducing the time to market.

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