A Leading Credit Union Optimizes its IT Infrastructure with AgreeYa’s Microsoft 365 Assessment
Image shows a professional sitting in server room

Our customer is a leading credit union providing financial products and banking services. The credit union was leveraging SharePoint 2016 Intranet to ensure seamless collaboration and communication among its teams spread across three locations. However, the business users faced various issues with the usability of the existing Intranet. User experience was impacted by the existing workflows, automations, Intranet pages and features. The existing Intranet delivered a poor search experience and users required multiple clicks to find the desired information. Such inefficiencies in the Intranet were impacting the efficiency of the organization.

AgreeYa conducted a thorough assessment of the credit union’s existing SharePoint on-premises environment and Microsoft 365 licenses. We shared a specific set of recommendations for workplace modernization. Our report provided inputs on how to utilize various tools and implement new technologies. Download the Case Study to learn more.

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