Top 3 big IT opportunities in post-pandemic India; technology adoption gets a new hike in COVID-era

Since the outspread of the COVID-19 virus, organizations around the world are coming together and innovating to minimize its impact on businesses worldwide, livelihoods, communities and to limit disruptions to economies and supply chains. Technological trends coming to a head this year, are also accelerated by the global Covid-19 pandemic.

Increase in demand for certain IT services and talent

The demand for information technology (IT) tools and talent continues to rise and is expected to significantly rise in a post COVID world also. This is because even traditionally non-technology companies have been forced to embrace IT technology to keep themselves afloat in the current situation. In the upcoming quarters, a lot of demand for IT services and talent will come from non-IT companies which have undergone a digital transformation due to the impact of the pandemic.

Changes in the dynamics of how businesses are operating in the current scenario has created a demand for certain technology tools. As a result, the demand for sophisticated digital services, and subsequently for IT talent, is rising more rapidly than ever. It has also accelerated the spread of technology for facilitating virtual organizations.

Currently and post-COVID time also, many small & medium businesses will restructure, and innovate for higher productivity, efficiency, and profitability including automation of various processes and digital transformation.

Companies are investing in upgrading IT infrastructure, security of IT assets, broad-based firewalls and the internet, and are more receptive to cloud-based services, and to agile ways of working.

Top 3 Opportunities for Indian IT Industry

Covid-19 has accelerated the adoption of digitization transformation tools and technologies, automation of repeated processes, and business intelligence amongst others.

These factors will lead to a change in organizational dynamics, particularly for the IT function. In this article, we are going to talk about 3 top opportunity areas for the Indian IT industry. These are:

  • Business Intelligence
  • Automation
  • Digital Transformation

Let’s go further into how these technology areas can help businesses currently and post-pandemic:

Business Intelligence

The coronavirus global pandemic is having a profound impact on global economies. As a result, operational efficiency, market analysis, and cash flow are at the top of business leaders’ minds.
Businesses, both big and small, need to identify and take prompt actions to eliminate inefficient processes, increase efficiency & productivity, and monitor customer behavior. This is where business intelligence gleams.
Business intelligence and data analytics are top priorities now and after pandemic recedes. BI delivers value by helping you:

  • Make data-based decisions
  • Improve operational efficiency
  • Identify market trends and opportunities
  • Analyze customer behavior
  • Benchmark yourself against competitors
  • Track performance
  • Forecast results

Business success depends on making informed decisions while staying agile. Businesses that prioritize BI tools in a crisis are well-positioned to reap benefits across business operations, employee performance, customer satisfaction, and profitability.


Automation provides tools and solutions to support organizations and their customers in steering unforeseen challenges. NASSCOM, in a recent report- “COVID-19 – Tipping for automation”, quoted that COVID-19 pandemic has acted as a catalyst for the development of automation technologies.
In this blog, we are focusing on the role of Robotic Process Automation and Microsoft Power Automate as our automation enabler.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is the new & most important talk in the industry. Keeping the current situation as a backdrop, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has come out as a powerful solution that helps mitigate disruption by enabling businesses to stay connected across teams, and systems, providing superior customer support and offering business stability in times of uncertainty.

Businesses are widely relying on RPA to transform their business and find opportunities to address the new challenges, faster return on investment, and generate revenue in times of crisis.

At the time of crisis, the level of interaction among humans increases, and in the current situation, there is a need for automation to handle the increased load.

Another, powerful solution that helps keep you afloat in such a situation is Microsoft Power Automate.

Organizations across diverse industries and around the globe are using solutions like Power Automate to promptly respond to rapidly changing business demands, support remote workers, and collaborate with customers.

Organizations are using Power Automate on the front lines of the crisis to warrant that businesses have the digital capabilities to maintain business continuity and stability while ensuring employees’ safety and health.

Power Automate enables organizations to quickly model their processes across connected data sources and enable their business logic for easy and simplified app building.

Power Automate is a very popular tool because it enables everyone, irrespective of their technical knowledge and functional area to step-up their individual productivity by automating and streamlining their workload through easy-to-build workflows.

  • Integrates with other applications hassle-free and seamlessly
  • Facilitates data access and sharing
  • Aids quick and safe automation
  • Enables custom connectors creation
  • Brings intelligence to workflows
  • Helps design logic for your apps
  • Guides your app users through processes
  • Helps boost productivity and efficiency

Digital Transformation

In the last decade adoption of digital transformation in technology services had peaked. But the COVID-19 outburst has pressed the accelerator button, with significant implications for the global IT industry. The COVID-19 crisis is rapidly reshaping the “what” and “how” of digital transformation agendas – certainly for the better. Amid global pandemic, digital transformation is a business imperative that all organizations are focusing on.

Digital transformation is more than just a buzzword and a process. It opens doors to limitless potential by expanding and improving capabilities and solving challenges. It is often forward-thinking. However, during the current turbulent time, digital transformation is the one way for survival.
The businesses that already adopted digital transformation programs are likely to accelerate their plans both during and after the crisis as their past investments begin to pay off. Other organizations must seriously consider their approach towards digital transformation on priority or risk being left behind or completely shut down.

Considering the changes in mindset and behavior that are currently underway, we are already witnessing a new world forming. Opportunities that businesses had expected to have years to prepare for arrived all of a sudden. To meet these challenges, businesses will need to innovate, invent, and redefine themselves. Businesses and customers are depending on technology more than ever. How quickly and responsibly IT companies will deploy it matters more than ever too.

AgreeYa solutions with its extensive experience and expert team is ready to help you plan your next move in response to the pandemic. We are offering a range of solutions and services that help address current challenges and future uncertainties. Our experts can help you keep your digital transformation, automation, and business intelligence efforts on track, and insights into the workplace changes brought on by the pandemic. Contact us if any among these has been a pressing issue for you and your organization during the pandemic. Our team will be happy to help you with your digital journey.

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