State of Texas: Department of Information Resources Contract DIR-TSO-4375 Deliverables-Based IT Services (DBITS) contract

AgreeYa specializes in working with the state and local government organizations. For 20+ years, AgreeYa is enabling digital transformation across state and local government. We’re innovating around Digital Transformation and the productivity. This innovation, supported by a vast talent pool, enables governments to do more and achieve more for the citizens they serve. We understand that more and more state and local governments are rethinking the use of technology in an effort to streamline services, improve access to public information, provide government transparency, reduce lengthy application development processes, and promote inter-agency data integration.
With our innovative software, solutions and staffing services, we will enable the DIR to transform its operations and infrastructures; engage citizens and businesses; and accelerate their economic development and environmental sustainability.
Contact Information
Contractor: AgreeYa Solutions, Inc.
Contract Number: DIR-TSO-4375
Vendor ID: 1202965578900
Service Offerings
Below is a list with descriptions and examples of all eight functional categories available under AgreeYa’s DBITS contract.
- Application Maintenance and Support
- Business Intelligence (BI) and Data Warehouse
- Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
- IT Project Management
- Technology Upgrade/Migration and Transformation
- Information Technology Assessments and Planning
- Application Development
- IT Procurement Assistance
For a full list of DBITS services, see Deliverables-Based IT Services. (
Application Maintenance and Support
Application Maintenance and Support includes the skills and requirements for supporting application systems, including troubleshooting, modifying, maintaining and enhancing legacy systems. Application Maintenance and Support also applies to applications running in a production environment.
Examples of included services: research, analysis, design, programming, testing, documenting and implementing maintenance changes; correcting software errors; modifying reports and ensuring accurate report runs; making modifications to the applications and documentation; writing ad hoc queries; loading and applying changes to the software language and/or database in which the application is written; providing corrections for production or any changes needed and participation in disaster recovery testing, planning and documentation. Services may need to be available 24/7 or on an on-call basis.
Business Intelligence (BI) and Data Warehouse
BI enables an organization to perform in-depth analysis and includes, where required, data mining of detailed business data providing real and significant information to business users. BI may include an integrated group of operational and decision support applications and databases. BI makes use of tools designed to easily access data warehouse data. A data warehouse collects, organizes and makes data available for the purpose of analysis and gives organizations the ability to access and analyze information about its business. The function of the data warehouse is to consolidate and reconcile information from across disparate business units and IT systems and provide a context for reporting and analysis.
Examples of included services: architectural design, extraction, transformation and loading of data sources; planning, assessment, product installation and tuning; prototype development, deployment, data cleansing, data mart development and support; data migration, integration with data mining; integration with business intelligence tools and/or systems; data scrubbing; data transformation; training and knowledge transfer.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
ERP is an amalgamation of an organization’s information systems designed to automate and integrate a variety of functions, commonly referred to as “back office”, including financials, human resources and asset management. These systems are modularized and generally highly configurable.
Examples of included services: planning and assessment; requirements development; business process reengineering (BPR); implementation and conversion services; application programming and support services; database administration, system software administration and support; functional support; and training support.
Information Technology Project Management
Project Management service providers may perform any or all of the project management processes identified by the Project Management Institute as published in the PMBOK® Guide, Fifth Edition or most recent.
Examples of included services: Utilizing the Customer’s tools and processes, using off-the-shelf tools, using Vendor’s own proprietary tools and processes to manage a project and using the Texas Project Delivery Framework. Information about the framework tool can be found at the following url:
Technology Upgrade/Migration and Transformation
Technology Upgrade/Migration may be required to increase business functionality, reengineer a business function, keep current with vendor upgrades or when upgrading existing technology. Technology Transformation may be accomplished by converting/migrating legacy applications to new technology either with or without new business functionality or it may include introducing new technology into the enterprise. Technology Upgrade/Migration may also include providing website content accessibility compliance.
Examples of included services: assessments of the current application portfolio, evaluation of the technology assets before beginning technology transformation and Business Case development for justification of an initiative. Also included are: technology transformations, which may include, appropriate Return on Investment (ROI), benchmarks and milestones. The following activities may also be included: planning, analysis, requirements development, proof of concept, deployment, implementation, integration, remediation, data migration, documentation, application programming and support services; and training support.
Information Technology Assessments and Planning
IT Assessments and Planning may include IT effectiveness, maturity, governance, project management and architecture. Strategic planning activities may include mission statement development, visioning and goals, objectives, and strategy development. Tactical planning may require that actionable plans and roadmaps be provided.
Examples of included services: IT assessments, including enterprise architecture and cloud assessments; staff knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) assessments; bandwidth assessments, network performance and strategic and tactical planning.
Application Development
Application Development is the development of new applications which may be mainframe, server, network-based, web-based or a combination. The requirements for new applications may require interfaces to existing applications.
Examples of included services: web application development; mobile application development; service oriented architecture (SOA); researching; analyzing; gathering requirements; designing; programming; testing; documenting and implementing; applying changes to the software language and/or database in which the application is written; providing corrections for production or any changes needed and participation in disaster recovery planning and documentation.
Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V)
Verification and Validation are independent procedures that are used together for in-depth analysis by checking that a product, service, or system meets requirements, independent oversight of SDLC processes and specifications and that it fulfills its intended purpose.
Examples of included services: Validation of software design to meet system needs/requirements; traceability of safety critical requirements; design analysis of selected critical algorithms; and code analysis of mission-critical software components and the independent oversight and assessment of systems development life cycle (SDLC) processes (such as issue and risk management, requirements analysis, testing, data conversion etc.)
Statement of Work (SOW) / Purchase Order Issuance
AgreeYa welcomes the opportunity to do business with the State of Texas and other eligible customers through the Cooperative Contacts Program. DBITS Statement of Work (SOW) values may not exceed $5 million for state agencies or $10 million for non-state agency entities or higher education institutions. Government customers must issue a SOW consistent with the terms and conditions of the DIR DBITS contract. Vendors must respond to the issued SOW to be awarded a purchase order. Vendors can only respond to a SOW that they have been awarded under the DIR DBITS contract. The following process outlines the step-by-step process for issuing a purchase order from the DIR DBITS contract:
- In order to be awarded a Purchase Order hereunder, AgreeYa (Vendor) will respond, in writing, to a Statement of Work (SOW) for services as issued by Customers (State Agencies, Government Entity) consistent with the Terms and Conditions of this Contract.
- Vendor shall only respond to SOWs for Technology Categories which Vendor has been awarded in this Contract.
- Customer SOWs must be complete, signed by an authorized representative of Customer and must be in the form approved by the State.
- Vendor understands that no work under any SOW issued by Customer shall commence until receipt of Purchase Order.
- Customers purchasing services under the DIR DBITS Contract shall negotiate pricing directly with the Vendor in accordance with the Customer’s Statement of Work.
- Customers may negotiate the terms and conditions of a SOW to suit their business needs, so long as the SOW terms and conditions do not conflict with or weaken the terms of the DIR DBITs Contract. Vendor shall perform its work in compliance with the DIR DBITS Contract and the agreed upon Statement of Work with Customer.
- For more information on the DIR program, please visit the DIR Cooperative Contracts program website.
For detailed Instructions, see SOW Instructions. (
(Resulting Purchase Order must reference DIR contract number)
Contact Information
AgreeYa Contract Number: DIR-TSO-4375
For quotes, purchase orders, and warranty information please contact AgreeYa at:
Ajay Kaul, Managing Partner
AgreeYa Solutions, Inc.
Phone: +1 (916) 294-9900